1. Beer: (american)football
2. Anorexic: bones
3. Relationships: heart
4. Purple: flower
5. Power Rangers: gay
6. Weed: irie
7. Steroids: arnold shwarzanegger (how ever its spelled)
8. Cartoons: saturday morning
9. The President: incompetent
10. Tupperware: melting plastic
11. Best vacation:guyana
12. Santa Claus:overweight
13. Halloween:pumpkin
14. Bon Jovi:elevator music
15. Grammar:english
16. Facebook:college kids
17. Worst fear:panic
18. Marriage:love
19. Paris Hilton: fake
21. Redhead:scottish people
22. Blonde: uhh.. golden retrievers
23. Pass the time: whistling? lol
24. One night stands: not my thing
25. Donald Trump:rogain
26. Neverland:jesus juice
27. Pixie Sticks:umm what are pixie sticks
28. Vanilla ice cream: creamy
29. High School: lame
30. Work: money
31. Pajamas: comfy
32. Woods: murder
33. Wet Sock: rain
34. Alcohol: drunks
35. Love: family